Healing and Restoration by greengables22
Emmett has just received news that will forever change his life. Cancer. After watching his father wither away fighting the disease when he was a child, Emmett doesn't know what he's going to do. He scared, panic-stricken and feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. Luckily he has his best friend, Rosalie, by his side, and Edward, his oncologist's son who mesmerized, intrigued and aroused him upon first glance.
This is really a sweet story about two men, both dealing with their own obstacles and hinderances, coming together and falling in love. As I read each chapter, I find myself deeply invested in the characters' happiness and well-being. This is definitely a story for people who enjoy a slow burn romance with a little angst mixed in. Definitely recommended.
~ M
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Have You Ever Thought? by AriRae
Have You Ever Thought? by AriRae
Jasper is a shy loner who has a major crush on popular jock, Edward Masen, who is straight. After running into each other a concert, the two opposites strike up a tentative friendship. While getting to know each other better, Jasper and Edward's feelings eventually evolve into something that goes beyond the confines of friendship, and they embark on a secret relationship. Jasper soon wants to come out and be free to express his feelings for the man he cares for, but Edward is afraid and would rather remain in the closet...at least through graduation. Will they be able to come to some sort of compromise?
This is a really cute story. The slow build of Edward and Jasper's friendship and eventual romantic realtionship was very sweet and I couldn't help but root for them. Dealing with the pressures of high school is no picnic, but somehow the guys manage to navigate their way through the chaos and support each other as best as they can. a highlight of the story are the t-shirts Jasper wears. Each silly saying is more hilarious than the last and I often find myself wondering I'll see next. Definitely give this story a try! It's a great mixture of sweet and angsty.
~ M
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Guest Post: "Dealing with Disabilities" by Chris T. Kat, Author of Attachement Strings
Dealing with Disabilities
Thank you very much for having me on your blog! Dreamspinner Press published my new release Attachment Strings (Jeff Woods Mystery) on June 17th.
Disabilities—that's the theme in Attachment Strings. How do different people deal with disabled people, in this case, especially with disabled children? It's a touchy subject, no doubt about it. Opinions vary greatly and emotions can rise quickly.
I'm a special education teacher and I love my job. I love working with children with disabilities, I have no problem accepting children who outwardly might look strange or can't communicate the way we're used to. Neither do I think a nurse should be the one changing diapers or feeding the children who can't eat on their own. But even in my profession I've encountered many people who, for example, didn't want to touch certain kids because they were always wet in the chest area because they can't close their mouths properly.
When I started studying for my teacher's degree it always irked me when other people asked me why I wanted to spend the rest of my life with deformed creatures. Or they claimed they couldn't do this work because seeing those children would make them either sick or sad.
Honestly? I was—still am—at a loss when I talk to someone with those prejudices. Even some of the parents make no secret of their dislike of their own children. Not all parents of course, most of them are devoted to their kids, but the ones that talked about how much their child is a burden and how their life didn't go the way they had planned, worries me.
Taking care of a child with disabilities, especially if they are multiple and severe, is hard work and I always understand why parents are sometimes at their wits end.. Most parents will take offered help even when they didn't want it initially. Often all the hopes they had during the pregnancy or after the birth of their child are destroyed and everything falls apart. It's a normal reaction but I'm glad that most parents will love their children no matter what.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Say It Now by NerdyAlert
Say It Now by NerdyAlert
Many years ago, Carlisle Cullen abandoned his son, Edward, and the mother of his child for selfish reasons. After the death of Edward's mother and step-father, Carlisle must now face the truth. Will he and Edward be able to develop a real father/son relationship or are the wounds too deep for charge to occur? How will Edward cope with losing his parents, finding his birth father, acclimating to a new family and falling in love with a boy?
So far this story is really interesting, emotional and tense. It's an Edward/Jasper pairing, but at this point in the story, Edward is dealing with the huge changes in his family life. I can't wait to see what happens next and how Edward and Carlisle will deal with this new living situation.
~ M
Friday, June 21, 2013
Author Spotlight: Andrew Q. Gordon, Author of Upcoming Release, Purpose
I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Andrew Q. Gordon, whose newest release, Purpose, is in stores today! It was so niced getting ot know Andrew and I hope that you learn a little about him as well. :)
Why did you choose the m/m romance genre to fulfill your writing aspirations, and what about that genre interests you most?
I think I more fell into the genre, than selected it. I didn't set out to write a m/m romance book, I set out to write a book with the characters I envisioned. But in a sense that is what drew me to the genre, that is where my characters wanted to go. What interests me most is the ability to explore relationships that I'm familiar with – m/m. That allows me to draw on a bit of my life experience for some aspects of the characters that I hope give them a bit more of a realistic feel.
What do you believe are some of the parallels and differences between law, your day job, and creative writing?
There are far more differences than parallels to be sure. Legal writing and the law in general is very cut and dry. The law is what it is, you follow a set formula for writing – IRAC – Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion – and while being creative gets you points occasionally, generally everyone follows 'the law' as it is generally used.
Writing gives you a license to a broader degree to make shit up as you go. Sure there are 'rules' but most authors chafe under them and will argue that they can and should be bent. I tend to follow them more than break them, but I'm trying to find a way to move past my legal training for my creative writing.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Jasper the Lonely Vampire by BVBfan801
Jasper the Lonely Vampire by BVBfan801
Wandering onto a farm after leaving his coven, Jasper is immediately drawn to the worker who is tending the field. At first he's attracted the young man's blood, but soon the blood lust fades and is replaced with feelings much more amorous. After meeting with the farm's owner, Jasper is offered a job and lodging. However, he can't quite get the green-eyed man out of his mind. Will he succumb to his desires, both for blood and love, or run away and continue to live a nomadic existence?
Even though this story is at its beginning stages, I'm already intrigued. I always enjoy a dark and brooding Jasper, and I can't wait to see more of his interactions with Edward. I look forward to reading more of this story, and you should check it out too!
~ M
Wandering onto a farm after leaving his coven, Jasper is immediately drawn to the worker who is tending the field. At first he's attracted the young man's blood, but soon the blood lust fades and is replaced with feelings much more amorous. After meeting with the farm's owner, Jasper is offered a job and lodging. However, he can't quite get the green-eyed man out of his mind. Will he succumb to his desires, both for blood and love, or run away and continue to live a nomadic existence?
Even though this story is at its beginning stages, I'm already intrigued. I always enjoy a dark and brooding Jasper, and I can't wait to see more of his interactions with Edward. I look forward to reading more of this story, and you should check it out too!
~ M
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Book Review: Prisoner 374215 by Angel Martinez
He enters my cell daily at ten pm. He leaves in the morning at six am. He never says a word. Never moves from where he sits right beside the thick steel door. He does not beat me. He doesn't take me to the tiled room at the end of the corridor. He doesn't goad me, smirk when I wince afterwards, cry, or scream. I'm not sure what he does when I drift off, into deep, exhausted, pain-drenched sleep. I think he just watches. A fixture, a security, so they may state that I'm not left unattended. Sometimes I wish...
I was really nervous about reading this story after reading the blurb, but I decided to give it a try anyway. I am so glad I did! I was immediately drawn into the world of Prisoner 374215 and the guard who watches over him, Scar. Even though the Sci-fi genre isn't my cup of tea, I found this story absolutely captivating from start to finish. I would highly recommend this heartbreaking, attention-grabbing and thoroughly fascinating read.

~ M
I was really nervous about reading this story after reading the blurb, but I decided to give it a try anyway. I am so glad I did! I was immediately drawn into the world of Prisoner 374215 and the guard who watches over him, Scar. Even though the Sci-fi genre isn't my cup of tea, I found this story absolutely captivating from start to finish. I would highly recommend this heartbreaking, attention-grabbing and thoroughly fascinating read.
Buy Links
The picture that inspired this powerful story.
~ M
Monday, June 17, 2013
One Summer Night by karenec
One Summer Night by karenec
Gearing up to walk his sister, Alice, down the aisle, Edward is disappointed to find out that his date has ditched him. Even though he's frustrated and hurt, Edward puts on a brave face for his family and friends. However, there is one friend in particular, Emmett, who makes it his mission to ensure Edward is happy as well.
So far this drabble-esque story seems quite promising. We're still early in the game, but it's enjoyable and I can't wait to see what happens next!
~ M
Friday, June 14, 2013
And the Winner is...
The winner of a copy of Lily Velden's Same Page (How the Light Gets In #1) is...
~ M
Book Review: Same Page (How the Light Gets In #1) by Lily Velden
4.5 stars
While on location in Sydney to promote a film, famous actor, Jaxon Moncrieff, is forced to attend the opening of an art exhibit to smile and bring attention to the gallery and its featured artist. It's all very routine to Jaxon, something he's done countless times, but the sight of a beautiful man with reddish brown hair grabs his attention, which is odd since he's never been attracted to men before. Immediately laying on the charm, he thoroughly offends the man, whom he finds out is the artist, Liam Lassiter. Even though Jaxon wants to make amends with Liam, he disappears. Soon it's time for Jaxon to head back to the States, but he can't get Liam out of his head. He's determined to make things right and hopefully, with a little hard work, be his friend. Will Liam give Jaxon a second chance or potentially allow love to slip through his fingers?
This is a lovely story about two men, from two very different worlds, who forge a strong friendship that eventually turns into something very special. The slow build of Jaxon and Liam's relationship was great to watch unfold, and all of the waiting is worth it in the end as the two men deal insecurities, overwhelming feelings and the unknown when it comes to love.
I would definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy a sweet, old-fashioned romance in which each partner is courted and admired.
This is the first book in a series, so there is somewhat of a cliffhanger at the end. However, things end on a high note.
The author provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Buy Same Page here and here.
While on location in Sydney to promote a film, famous actor, Jaxon Moncrieff, is forced to attend the opening of an art exhibit to smile and bring attention to the gallery and its featured artist. It's all very routine to Jaxon, something he's done countless times, but the sight of a beautiful man with reddish brown hair grabs his attention, which is odd since he's never been attracted to men before. Immediately laying on the charm, he thoroughly offends the man, whom he finds out is the artist, Liam Lassiter. Even though Jaxon wants to make amends with Liam, he disappears. Soon it's time for Jaxon to head back to the States, but he can't get Liam out of his head. He's determined to make things right and hopefully, with a little hard work, be his friend. Will Liam give Jaxon a second chance or potentially allow love to slip through his fingers?
This is a lovely story about two men, from two very different worlds, who forge a strong friendship that eventually turns into something very special. The slow build of Jaxon and Liam's relationship was great to watch unfold, and all of the waiting is worth it in the end as the two men deal insecurities, overwhelming feelings and the unknown when it comes to love.
I would definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy a sweet, old-fashioned romance in which each partner is courted and admired.
This is the first book in a series, so there is somewhat of a cliffhanger at the end. However, things end on a high note.
The author provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Buy Same Page here and here.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Author Spotlight: Lex Chase, Author of Pawn Takes Rook
In your book, Pawn Takes Rook, you explore the superhero world. What about superheroes interests you most, and why did you choose that theme for your book?
For one, I grew up reading comics. I pretty much collected everything I could get my hands on. My collection eventually grew to over two thousand single issues and about fifty or so graphic novels. And that’s small compared to other collectors.
And two, I made a go at drawing comics for a living. As it turns out, I loved writing the stories of these superheroes more than actually drawing them. I’ve always been drawn to superheroes and the concept of having superpowers. Every story I’ve ever written had superpowered beings in some way.
It’s kind of a combination of things of why I love superheroes so much. I love the hyper-realistic take with Christopher Nolan’s take on Batman with Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, and the Dark Knight Rises. I am so pumped for Man of Steel—the realistic Superman reboot. But I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. Avengers was freaking amazing and funny. I recently saw Iron-Man 3 and it was like the studio went “Here! Have Avengers Part Two just with Tony!” I loved it and it was a nice finale to the Iron-Man set of movies.
On the same vein of loving the hyper-realism I also love the godawful silly stuff. Like we can all agree as human beings that most superhero tropes are actually very, very stupid. Like the horrible codenames. Like when a hero smiles, he has waaaaay too many teeth, they’re all mirror white, and they actually sparkle. Or a hero talks in a really overdone booming ‘heroic voice.’ And on the same vein the anti-hero that talks in the husky growl that sounds like he’s constipated. Or the silly spandex outfits. Or the S-curl on the middle of the forehead. Or the sound effects. Just seriously what is it with the sound effects? What kind of sound is Budda-budda-budda! (apparently it’s an automatic rifle in the Aliens comics.) Or the ever famous Snikt! Snikt! (which of course is Wolverine’s claws.)
Pawn Takes Rook is kind of a primordial stew of all those things. Rook and Garth are the reader’s ‘everyman’ heroes as they navigate the bright candy colored world of capes and cowls. It’s with them, they point out how stupid and superficial everything is. Still Rook and Garth aren’t immune to the silliness themselves with some of the misadventures they have. A lot of the Checkmate series requires the reader to just roll with it. Because it’s superheroes. The second you try to contextualize it about how it would all really work that’s where it all falls apart. Does anyone really believe the story how Wolverine got his adamantium skeleton? Does anyone have a logical reason why Superman can fly? The easy answer: They just do.
For one, I grew up reading comics. I pretty much collected everything I could get my hands on. My collection eventually grew to over two thousand single issues and about fifty or so graphic novels. And that’s small compared to other collectors.
And two, I made a go at drawing comics for a living. As it turns out, I loved writing the stories of these superheroes more than actually drawing them. I’ve always been drawn to superheroes and the concept of having superpowers. Every story I’ve ever written had superpowered beings in some way.
It’s kind of a combination of things of why I love superheroes so much. I love the hyper-realistic take with Christopher Nolan’s take on Batman with Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, and the Dark Knight Rises. I am so pumped for Man of Steel—the realistic Superman reboot. But I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. Avengers was freaking amazing and funny. I recently saw Iron-Man 3 and it was like the studio went “Here! Have Avengers Part Two just with Tony!” I loved it and it was a nice finale to the Iron-Man set of movies.
On the same vein of loving the hyper-realism I also love the godawful silly stuff. Like we can all agree as human beings that most superhero tropes are actually very, very stupid. Like the horrible codenames. Like when a hero smiles, he has waaaaay too many teeth, they’re all mirror white, and they actually sparkle. Or a hero talks in a really overdone booming ‘heroic voice.’ And on the same vein the anti-hero that talks in the husky growl that sounds like he’s constipated. Or the silly spandex outfits. Or the S-curl on the middle of the forehead. Or the sound effects. Just seriously what is it with the sound effects? What kind of sound is Budda-budda-budda! (apparently it’s an automatic rifle in the Aliens comics.) Or the ever famous Snikt! Snikt! (which of course is Wolverine’s claws.)
Pawn Takes Rook is kind of a primordial stew of all those things. Rook and Garth are the reader’s ‘everyman’ heroes as they navigate the bright candy colored world of capes and cowls. It’s with them, they point out how stupid and superficial everything is. Still Rook and Garth aren’t immune to the silliness themselves with some of the misadventures they have. A lot of the Checkmate series requires the reader to just roll with it. Because it’s superheroes. The second you try to contextualize it about how it would all really work that’s where it all falls apart. Does anyone really believe the story how Wolverine got his adamantium skeleton? Does anyone have a logical reason why Superman can fly? The easy answer: They just do.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Finding My Way by sunystone
Finding My Way by sunystone
Shy and awkward, Seth dreads having to partner up for a college project. He'd rather just keep to himself, but classmate, Riley, is determined to not only work with Seth on the project, but get to know him much, much better.
This is a really sweet story that will warm your heart. The development of Riley and Seth's relationship is adorable and I found myself rooting for them. Definitely recommended.
~ M
Shy and awkward, Seth dreads having to partner up for a college project. He'd rather just keep to himself, but classmate, Riley, is determined to not only work with Seth on the project, but get to know him much, much better.
This is a really sweet story that will warm your heart. The development of Riley and Seth's relationship is adorable and I found myself rooting for them. Definitely recommended.
~ M
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Book Review: Tattoos & Teacups by Anna Martin
Robert McKinnon, a Scottish expatriate, teaches literature at a local university in Boston. When he meets the enigmatic, passionate and youthful Chris Ford at a bar, his life is forever changed for the better. Even though there are nine years separating them, Robert cannot resist Chris' zest for life.
This is a sweet, uncomplicated story that shows the slow progression of new love. Both characters are likable men with their own quirks, strengths and flaws. It was hard to put this book down because I immediately became invested in the MCs lives. At times I wondered if Robert was 72, rather than his actual 32 years of age. He acted so unbelievably old for someone who was still quite young. It was sad to see how little he thought of himself, but with Chris' help, he started to see himself a little clearer.
If you're looking for a nice, virtually angst-free love story, this is the one for you! Definitely recommended.
This is a sweet, uncomplicated story that shows the slow progression of new love. Both characters are likable men with their own quirks, strengths and flaws. It was hard to put this book down because I immediately became invested in the MCs lives. At times I wondered if Robert was 72, rather than his actual 32 years of age. He acted so unbelievably old for someone who was still quite young. It was sad to see how little he thought of himself, but with Chris' help, he started to see himself a little clearer.
If you're looking for a nice, virtually angst-free love story, this is the one for you! Definitely recommended.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Allure of the Seas by avioleta
Allure of the Seas by avioleta
Edward, who tends bar on a cruise ship, is enamored with the guest staying in state room 1298. After an unexpected, but scorching kiss, Edward is left yearning for more from the mature and mysterious man, but he also must keep in mind that fraternizing with guests is against the rules.
This is a cute one-shot that's filled to the brim with UST. Readers watch with baited breath as Edward and Carlisle dance around each other, flirt and fight their attraction to one another.
~ M
Edward, who tends bar on a cruise ship, is enamored with the guest staying in state room 1298. After an unexpected, but scorching kiss, Edward is left yearning for more from the mature and mysterious man, but he also must keep in mind that fraternizing with guests is against the rules.
This is a cute one-shot that's filled to the brim with UST. Readers watch with baited breath as Edward and Carlisle dance around each other, flirt and fight their attraction to one another.
~ M
Friday, June 7, 2013
The Sun and the Moon by Ratts
The Sun and the Moon by Ratts
In a world where vampires rule and everyone else serves them, Edward Masen lives a privileged life. He runs a successful plantation and is much beloved by all of his slaves, which consist of shapeshifters. When he comes across a special shifter, an alpha wolf, he is mesmerized. His body and his feelings betray all logic and societal norms as he finds himself drawn to the beautiful creature. Jacob, who witnessed his entire family murdered before his eyes, has been consistently mistreated and abused since he was ripped from his life in the woods. He is leery of the young vampire who takes him in, but is surprised by Edward's kindness and generocity. Jacob is also surprised by his growing feelings and protectiveness towards the vampire. Will Edward and Jacob finally give in to their feelings or will they continue to butt heads in an effort to exert dominance over one another?
This story is truly captivating. Ratts' writing is beautiful as she thrusts readers into this interesting world of class, status and wealth. Edward comes off as arrogant, conceited and at times bratty, but he also has a good heart, as evidenced by the treatment of his slaves. Emmett, Paul and Seth are absolutely adorable characters! The little vampling and puppies always manage to steal the show with their sweet dispositions and childlike innocence.
~ M
In a world where vampires rule and everyone else serves them, Edward Masen lives a privileged life. He runs a successful plantation and is much beloved by all of his slaves, which consist of shapeshifters. When he comes across a special shifter, an alpha wolf, he is mesmerized. His body and his feelings betray all logic and societal norms as he finds himself drawn to the beautiful creature. Jacob, who witnessed his entire family murdered before his eyes, has been consistently mistreated and abused since he was ripped from his life in the woods. He is leery of the young vampire who takes him in, but is surprised by Edward's kindness and generocity. Jacob is also surprised by his growing feelings and protectiveness towards the vampire. Will Edward and Jacob finally give in to their feelings or will they continue to butt heads in an effort to exert dominance over one another?
This story is truly captivating. Ratts' writing is beautiful as she thrusts readers into this interesting world of class, status and wealth. Edward comes off as arrogant, conceited and at times bratty, but he also has a good heart, as evidenced by the treatment of his slaves. Emmett, Paul and Seth are absolutely adorable characters! The little vampling and puppies always manage to steal the show with their sweet dispositions and childlike innocence.
~ M
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Book Review: Something Rich and Strange by Helen Louise Caroll
3.25 stars
This is a sweet story about the god, Poseidon, who lives amongst mortals. His life may soon becoming to an end, like many other gods before him, but he's determined to fight it tooth and nail. When he finds himself attracted to an unlikely choice, he just lets go and enjoys the ride, both literally and figuratively. Greg has admired Poseidon (aka Max) ever since they started working together eight months ago. He's completely surprised by the fact that Max, who is extremely handsome and fit, would find him, with his small pot belly and love handles, attractive and desirable.
Even though the story pretty much takes place over the course of one evening, it was a sweet and fluffy read. The book could have used a good editor; the typos and word choices were a little distracting.
This is a sweet story about the god, Poseidon, who lives amongst mortals. His life may soon becoming to an end, like many other gods before him, but he's determined to fight it tooth and nail. When he finds himself attracted to an unlikely choice, he just lets go and enjoys the ride, both literally and figuratively. Greg has admired Poseidon (aka Max) ever since they started working together eight months ago. He's completely surprised by the fact that Max, who is extremely handsome and fit, would find him, with his small pot belly and love handles, attractive and desirable.
Even though the story pretty much takes place over the course of one evening, it was a sweet and fluffy read. The book could have used a good editor; the typos and word choices were a little distracting.
~ M
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory by twilight mum69
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory by twilight mum69
Carlisle has just recently recovered from a horrific beating that left him partially blind and hard of hearing. Coming back to work at the club where it all happened is difficult, but he's determined to move forward. When he waits on Edward and his friends, he's immediately attracted to the quiet and handsome stranger. Edward is tired of hiding who he truly is. He doesn't want to disappoint his family, but hiding in the closet is suffocating. As Edward and Carlisle interact and learn more about each other, they find they have a lot of common, and their chemistry is off the charts. They both set out to live their lives the best way they know how - together.
This one-shot is so, so good! My heart went out to Carlisle as he tried to acclimate himself to the club scene once again after enduring such a traumatic experience, and Edward's inner turmoil over his sexuality, and coming to terms with it, was realistically portrayed. Seeing the two skittish men open up to each other was a real treat and the ending result warmed my heart! Highly recommended read!
~ M
Carlisle has just recently recovered from a horrific beating that left him partially blind and hard of hearing. Coming back to work at the club where it all happened is difficult, but he's determined to move forward. When he waits on Edward and his friends, he's immediately attracted to the quiet and handsome stranger. Edward is tired of hiding who he truly is. He doesn't want to disappoint his family, but hiding in the closet is suffocating. As Edward and Carlisle interact and learn more about each other, they find they have a lot of common, and their chemistry is off the charts. They both set out to live their lives the best way they know how - together.
This one-shot is so, so good! My heart went out to Carlisle as he tried to acclimate himself to the club scene once again after enduring such a traumatic experience, and Edward's inner turmoil over his sexuality, and coming to terms with it, was realistically portrayed. Seeing the two skittish men open up to each other was a real treat and the ending result warmed my heart! Highly recommended read!
~ M
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Book Review: Just a Little Unwell by Iyana Jenna
3.5 stars
Patrick is happy with his simple life. Even though he doesn't have many friends, he loves to tend his garden and can always count on Chad, his pet cockroach, to be there. When Patrick meets a new neighbor, Damien, he is overjoyed and makes a point to become friends with the polite and kind man. However, things aren't quite as they seem and soon Patrick must deal with an entirely new reality: one that's scary, confusing and frustrating.
I must admit that I was slightly confused at the beginning of the short story; however, all of that changed as I continued to read. I don't want to give away the plot, but I was pleasantly surprised by the haunting, painful, yet hopeful tones of the story. Iyana Jenna only reveals small snippets of each of the MCs lives and personalities at a time, but with each new reveal they become more complex and interesting.
My biggest complaint would be that I wish there was more of this story. I would love to know more about Patrick and Damien, their pasts and future.
The author provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Buy Just a Little Unwell here and here.
~ M
Patrick is happy with his simple life. Even though he doesn't have many friends, he loves to tend his garden and can always count on Chad, his pet cockroach, to be there. When Patrick meets a new neighbor, Damien, he is overjoyed and makes a point to become friends with the polite and kind man. However, things aren't quite as they seem and soon Patrick must deal with an entirely new reality: one that's scary, confusing and frustrating.
I must admit that I was slightly confused at the beginning of the short story; however, all of that changed as I continued to read. I don't want to give away the plot, but I was pleasantly surprised by the haunting, painful, yet hopeful tones of the story. Iyana Jenna only reveals small snippets of each of the MCs lives and personalities at a time, but with each new reveal they become more complex and interesting.
My biggest complaint would be that I wish there was more of this story. I would love to know more about Patrick and Damien, their pasts and future.
The author provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Buy Just a Little Unwell here and here.
~ M
Monday, June 3, 2013
CLOSED - Book Giveaway! Same Page (How the Light Gets In #1) by Lily Velden
Update (6/14/13): Congratulations, kirifox! I hope you enjoy your copy!
Update (6/14/13): Congratulations, kirifox! I hope you enjoy your copy!
Here's your chance to win a copy of Lily Velden's latest release, Same Page! Entering is easy! Read my most recent interview with Lily and answer the following question in the comment section (please be sure to include your email address with your answer).
Lily Velden's ideal life would consist of what two things?
The winner, who answers the question correctly, will be chosen at random. The giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. (EST) June 13, 2013.
Good luck!
~ M
~ M
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Author Spotlight: Lily Velden Releases Same Page (How the Light Gets In #1) June 14th
I had the opportunity to interview Lily Velden, author of Gay as Mardi Gras, once again as she prepares for the release of her second book, Same Page (How the Light Gets In #1). It's always fun to chat with Lily, so I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed conducting it! :)
Your latest book, Same Page, will be released June 14th. What was your inspiration for the story?
How I wish I could encapsulate it for you in just a sentence, M! I’m afraid it’s going to take me a bit longer than that! Fancy a writer wanting to blather on!!! What’s the world coming to???
I’ve always loved to read. I believe through a well-crafted story, told with a bit of imagination, you can go any place in the universe and beyond. Because of my fascination with the written word, I started, as a teen, keeping a notebook filled with phrases, passages from novels, poems, quotes, and song lyrics that appealed to me. You name it, if I liked the sentiments, I wrote it down. I won’t tell you how many of those notebooks I’ve filled—it’s a tad embarrassing—but let’s just say, it’s a few!
I always have at least one on me and if I’m waiting for a train, or having a coffee by myself, I’ll pull out my current notebook and flip through its pages. There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets, which are two lines of lyrics from a song by Leonard Cohen called, Anthem was added to my notebook when I was in my late twenties and my life had hit a rough patch. Have you ever noticed how, sometimes, a song, book, movie etc., comes into your life at just the right time? Well, those two sentences resonated with me so much they have been transcribed into each and every one of my notebooks for the last twenty years. It’s been two decades, but I still get the same feeling when I hear them repeated. If that’s not a testimony to the power of the written word, I don’t know what is. Those words make me feel okay about being less than perfect. They make me feel okay about being a bit damaged and broken and scarred by life.
When I was going through a tough time a few years back, I read them umpteen times a day. They inspired me to sit down and write, not only my own story, but that of Jaxon and Liam. Two men: a little flawed, a little quirky, and a whole lot of wonderful. They’re not perfect—they each come with their insecurities and their frailties, but they also come with their humor and strength. Don’t we all? No, the boys aren’t perfect, far from it, but they are perfect together.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Book Review: La Cala by N. Wood
3.5 stars
Lance McCarthy decides to vacation in Ibiza to relax, soak up the sun's rays and hopefully hook up with some hot guys. Choosing the location because of it's gay-friendly attitude, Lance is able to truly be himself and relax fully. While at a club one evening, he literally bumps into Malachy Walsh (a.k.a. Mack). Their attraction for one another is instant, and before they know it, they're in each other's arms and in Lance's bed. For the rest of their stay in paradise, they are inseparable as they get to know each other better and enjoy each other's company.
This is a very sweet and quick read that will bring a smile to your face. The MCs are very likable, and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow and deepen. If you're looking for an easy, angst-free romance, La Cala is the book for you!
Buy La Cala here.
~ M
Lance McCarthy decides to vacation in Ibiza to relax, soak up the sun's rays and hopefully hook up with some hot guys. Choosing the location because of it's gay-friendly attitude, Lance is able to truly be himself and relax fully. While at a club one evening, he literally bumps into Malachy Walsh (a.k.a. Mack). Their attraction for one another is instant, and before they know it, they're in each other's arms and in Lance's bed. For the rest of their stay in paradise, they are inseparable as they get to know each other better and enjoy each other's company.
This is a very sweet and quick read that will bring a smile to your face. The MCs are very likable, and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow and deepen. If you're looking for an easy, angst-free romance, La Cala is the book for you!
Buy La Cala here.
~ M
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