Friday, July 26, 2013

The Cock & La Poule by PolkaDotMama

The Cock & La Poule by PolkaDotMama

Edward and Jasper have a love that many long for. They have their ups and downs, but through it all, they love each other fiercely.

This is one of the first slash fanfic stories I read and it has stayed with me nearly three years later. I always try to make a point of recommending this story to those looking for a good Edward/Jasper pairing. Even though there is very little sex in this story, it is filled with such raw and palpable emotion that you won't miss it. I will warn you that you'll probably need a kleenex by the end, but don't let that deter you. This is truly an amazing story that every slash lover should read at least once.

~ M


  1. Naelany sent me a link to your blog and I was thrilled to see that my story from my PolkaDotMama days is still resonating. It was one of those stories that haunted me until I wrote it. Thanks. Good call on the tissue alert. :)

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for writing such a beautiful story!!!! :D
