Monday, January 27, 2014

Dead and Born and Grown by thesameoldfairytale

Dead and Born and Grown by thesameoldfairytale

Nasir is frantic. The love of his life left him and he doesn't know which way to turn. Will he be able to fix their broken relationship, and the broken man, or will he have to concede to the fact that it's truly over?

Anyone who has read Nagron fanfiction for any amount of time is familiar with the jealousy trope in which Agron cannot control, contain or hide his possessiveness towards Nasir. This story takes that trope and puts a unique twist on it. Agron still suffers from jealousy, but it's not the loud and sometimes violent emotion we're used to seeing from the tv show and other stories. This jealousy is eerily quiet, calm and full of resignation.

Still a work in progress, Dead and Born and Grown has grabbed my attention and taken it hostage. I really cannot wait to see what happens next! Check it out!

~ M

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